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Build upper body strength with this simple and challenging piece

This Single Pull Up Bar is brilliant for building your upper body strength (especially your shoulders, arms and back). So simple but so effective!

Build up your repetitions and sets of pull ups, chins ups and bar muscle up exercises, changing hand grips to target different upper body muscles.

If you're a beginner, start with what you can manage and build up your strength on other TGO toning and strength pieces like the Lat Pull Down/ Shoulder Press and the Chest Press/ Seated Row. If you're active and very active already, let's see your 3 sets of 6-10 reps!

Go on, impress us with your moves! Send TGO Activate a pull up selfie on social media. 

Pull Up demo

Get further Pull Up inspiration from this video from our partner, HAGS, including:

Exercise 1: Chin Up 
Exercise 8: Muscle Up
Exercise 9: Hanging Leg Raise
Exercise 10: Pull Up Wide


Design features

  1. Designed for bodyweight training to strengthen upper body.
  2. Simple and intuitive.
  3. Brightly coloured to meet Inclusive Fitness Initiative standards.

Health and fitness benefits

  1. Great for upper body strength and muscle conditioning (especially shoulders, arms and back).
  2. Key piece for trainers and elites and can be used with TRX bands
  3. Increase the challenge by increasing your pull up repetitions and choosing exercise variations.