By Georgie Delaney, Co Founder of TGO
I was approached by Yvonne Filler to support The Women in Sport campaign #timetogether . As I discovered what the campaign was all about, it resonated with me personally and professionally. It’s all about encouraging mums and girls to find time to be active and spend quality time together. Women in Sport’s ‘Reframing Sport for Teenage Girls’ research looked at the importance of understanding the lives of teenage girls and understanding what is important in helping them find the joy of being active. WIS struck gold when they found out the power of the relationship between mums and daughters. WIS research showed that Mums provide a safe environment for girls to be active and cultivate this joyful habit.
‘This year the campaign is focused on getting outside and being active due to try tripled benefits of physical activity in the great outdoors’, said Yvonne from WIS. For this reason, WIS were keen to partner with The Great Outdoor Gym Company (TGO) as we provide family friendly spaces for people to move in the great outdoors. Even ten minutes a day of walking to the park and having a play on our equipment can be transformative to health.
I’m an advocate of an active lifestyle because my father suffered with lifestyle diseases (Diabetes, Cancer and Heart Disease) due to physical inactivity and lifestyle choices and his suffering could have been avoided. When I left university, my first job was at Sport England and it was there I realised the evidence around physical activity and health, wellbeing and achievement. Chief Medical officers call physical activity, the ‘wonder drug’ because it cures and prevents a multitude of lifestyle diseases. For this reason it is so important that women and girls don’t miss out on this wonder drug that is available to all.
Why are girls dropping out? Has the pandemic made it worse and why does the safe space with a mum make a difference?
I find joy in moving and this keeps me interested. For me, the answer is in my childhood. I remember doing endless cartwheels and handstands in the living room with my sister. My parents were watching Eastenders and the Bill and it may have been distracting but they didn’t tell us to stop. They provided a safe space for me and my sister Charlotte to move. My mum also took us to tennis, swimming and ensured we were well equipped.
My kids know how important being active is but this campaign has awakened me even further. It has reminded me how important my time with my daughter is. Her health in the future may depend on the quality time we spend together. Izzie hasn’t got a sister, like I did, so I need to be there for her. Luckily, I still love things she is interested in like roller skating, cartwheeling, dance, trampolining and handstands so I’m pretty sure she will be ok and foster a lifelong love for movement. The key to this is prioritising because time is never on our side! I am always busy.
Top tips to make time to be active with your daughter
- Block out time just for your daughter -diarise it
- Start by making just ten minutes a day
- Do an activity you both enjoy and make sure you giggle!
- Don’t get stressed, this should be a loving, nurturing time
- Explore in the great outdoors
- Put the music on and dance in the kitchen
- Walk to your park and discover our TGO gyms – for your nearest download our app TGO activate
- Try one of our workouts together on